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After Attaching Sql Db Aspnrt Login Fails Updated FREE

After Attaching Sql Db Aspnrt Login Fails

Why Your Web Awarding Can't Connect to SQL Server

I of the trickiest bug I encountered when I was just starting ASP.NET web development was debugging issues with my web application connecting to SQL server, especially when connecting to a local case of SQL Server.

Oftentimes the mistake messages related to these problems were not quite clear or ended up sending me on a wild goose chase.

To that terminate, here'southward a list of a few error messages I've often encountered and how to solve them:

A network-related or instance-specific fault occurred

A network-related or case-specific mistake occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was non attainable. Verify that the instance proper noun is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 – Could not open a connection to SQL Server)

This is the most generic and almost frustrating of the errors. At that place are a couple possible solutions:

First, double-check the server name in your connection string. In other words, let'south say your connectedness string is the following:


The error above can occur if something has gone wrong with the Server=ServerName piece. Check for the following:

  • Server name is spelled correctly
  • Server port number (if applicable) is correct
  • Application pool account has permissions to ship requests to the server

If you are connecting to a local instance, this will likely be Server=(local). All the same, it'south also possible your local instance could accept a different name (e.k. (local)\SQLEXPRESS or (local)\MSSQLSERVER).

2d, ensure that the instance of SQL server has not stopped.

You lot can do this by accessing the "Services" list in Windows. In Windows 10, this is merely a tab on the Task Manager:

Top portion of the Task Manager in Windows 10, with the Services tab selected

(In earlier versions of Windows get to "Run" and enter "services.msc".)

Once you have accessed the list of Services, look for your example of SQL server in the list (probably named MSSQLSERVER or MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS) and ensure that is "Running." If information technology has stopped, simply right-click the service and click "Starting time":

SQL Server instance selected in list of Services with mouse hovering over option to start service

Login failed for user "

Login failed for user ".

The of import bit to notice here is that there is no username displayed, which ways no username is existence sent to SQL Server for authentication. And so, with that in heed:

First, did you intend to transport over a username and password just forgot?

                Server=ServerName;Database=DatabaseName;User Id=Username;Countersign=Password;              

2nd, did you intend to use integrated security (Windows Authentication) but didn't specify that?

                Server=ServerName;Database=DatabaseName;Integrated Security=SSPI;              

(In most cases, this is probably what you want: this setting allows your web application to utilize Windows Hallmark to cosign with your awarding pool's account)

Cannot open database "DatabaseName" requested by the login

Cannot open up database "DatabaseName" requested past the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\Username'.

This is another generic fault with a couple solutions:

First, double-bank check the database proper name in your connection cord is spelled correctly.

Second, ensure your website's domain account has permissions to access the database:

Screenshot of SQL Server Management Studio with the users assigned to a particular database displayed

Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\Username'

Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\Username'.

This is similar to the error above. The slight difference, however, is that there is no "Cannot open database" aslope this mistake bulletin.

This ways that your website'southward application pool business relationship does not have permissions to admission the database instance itself (non the actual database, but the instance on which the database is hosted):

Screenshot of SQL Server Management Studio with the users assigned to a particular SQL server instance displayed

After Attaching Sql Db Aspnrt Login Fails



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